CDR Update

Our mission with starting the Women’s Health Nutrition Academy (WHNA) is to provide cutting edge continuing education opportunities to healthcare providers, especially dietitians/nutritionists working in women’s health.

With over 20 years of combined clinical experience, Ayla and I have attended countless continuing education conferences and webinars, many of which were either extremely basic (waste of time!) or status quo dietetics (i.e. presenting outdated information, which is not helpful to our practices). 

To say that we were frustrated by the low quality and rigor of these CEU activities is an understatement.

We founded WHNA to change this. Our mission remains just as strong today as the day we started.


A little history…

In 2018, we became accredited providers for continuing education via the national credentialing agency for dietitians known as the Commission on Dietetic Registration. We have since released over a dozen in-depth CEU activities on topics ranging from prenatal nutrition, fertility, menstrual cycle health, gestational diabetes, postpartum nutrition, estrogen metabolism, and many other topics. Our live webinars consistently sell out and we hear overwhelmingly positive feedback from our clinician attendees.

All to say, you want this content as much as we want to teach it!

It is filling a void in the continuing education market for in-depth, evidence-based education that goes FAR beyond undergraduate and postgraduate studies, which is especially helpful to clinicians seeing challenging clinical cases.


Still with us? Great. Let’s cut to the chase. 

Unfortunately, CDR does not see eye to eye with us in terms of the type of content we are providing and the way in which we are presenting it. In the past few months, we were assigned to a new contact at CDR and audited. During the audit, only the slide deck of one particular presentation was audited, without review of the audio portion. We were told that slide decks were required to be stand-alone educational tools. As educators delivering content in a webinar-style format, we know that slide decks are simply visual aids. As it turns out, this was just the start of what would be a process filled with unrealistic, unclear and inconsistent standards that were impossible to achieve. 

We spent over 30 hours updating that presentation to address all of their concerns. We even solicited the help of colleagues to assist us in trying to see what we were missing.

As the saying goes, hindsight is 20:20. We realize that the issue with our presentations is that the topics are outside of the realm of conventional nutrition and because of that, we were never going to satisfy the audit requirements.


We are saying “goodbye” to CDR and getting back to work providing quality continuing education.

Our mission is to provide cutting edge, evidence-based continuing education for health professionals working in women’s health and not just “check a box” for CEUs. There are plenty of CEU opportunities out there that meet CDR requirements and can serve that purpose. So, even though we set out wanting to partner with our national credentialing association, it now is compromising our mission. 


WHNA courses aren’t going anywhere but CEUs are! You have until Sunday, March 15th at midnight PST to purchase courses and receive CEUs.

If you have been eyeing any of our courses, now is the time to grab them to earn CEUs! You do not need to watch them by March 15th, but you have to purchase them by then so we have an accurate list to provide to CDR.

And yes, if you have purchased any of our courses in the past, your CEUs will be honored by CDR. All courses purchased by March 15th, 2020 will have their CEUs honored.

After March 15th, the only CEU activity that WHNA will provide is the 32 continuing education credits for Lily’s book, Real Food for Pregnancy.

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