
Cutting edge continuing education in women’s health.

Our gift to you: FREE webinar on fertility & prenatal nutrition counseling challenges


Nutritional Approaches to Metabolic and Reproductive Dysfunction in PCOS (Part 2)

Despite its widespread prevalence and impact, PCOS remains a challenging condition to manage due to inconsistent screening and diagnostic standards, inadequate training, and a general lack of understanding of effective management strategies. Back by popular demand, we’ve got you covered with Part 2 in our PCOS series!


Fueling Female Athletes: Exploring Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, and more

Working with female athletes requires a unique skill set, particularly if your clientele is in their reproductive years. Higher energy expenditure comes with higher nutritional requirements, yet many female athletes are underfueled. This can lead to an array of hormonal and health consequences, including hypothalamic amenorrhea.


Nutritional Approaches to Metabolic and Reproductive Dysfunction in PCOS (Part 1)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or “PCOS” is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age, affecting one in ten women worldwide. Despite its prevalence, it is arguably one of the most complex and poorly managed conditions due to inconsistent screening and diagnosis standards, inadequate training, and a lack of understanding of managing it effectively.


Weight Gain in Pregnancy: An Evidence-Based Analysis

We’ve all seen the cookie cutter “pregnancy weight gain” charts put out by organizations such as the Institute of Medicine, but are these guidelines helpful, accurate, and do they follow the most current evidence? Should we adjust these ranges? Should we abandon weight gain recommendations altogether? Should weight be discussed with all pregnant clients or only select clients? The answers to these questions are surprisingly complex.


Folate & Methylation in Fertility and Pregnancy

There are few topics more controversial in the prenatal nutrition world than folate. Folate is an umbrella term that includes food-sourced and metabolically active forms of folate (like methylfolate), and is also used to describe the synthetic version known as folic acid.


Nutrition for Maternal Mental Health

The transition to new motherhood is accompanied by hormonal shifts, sleep deprivation, and a host of other factors that are emotionally taxing. If unsupported, these impacts can lead to more significant disruptions in mood and mental health, known as perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.


Managing Menopausal Symptoms Naturally: Where to Begin

Perimenopause & menopause is a natural process every woman who lives long enough will go through. Dr. Christiane Northrup explains the transition into menopause as, “a lifting of the veil of hormones that can be both liberating and unsettling.” The average age a woman starts to experience unsettling symptoms is 47 and the most common symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, depression, hot flashes, weight gain and fatigue. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to identify if a woman is perimenopausal and natural treatment approaches to these common complaints.


Targeted Diet and Lifestyle Interventions for Women utilizing DUTCH Complete Hormone Testing

In this 90-minute webinar, Ayla Barmmer, MS, RD, LDN will break down how to interpret DUTCH Complete testing using real case studies from her practice. Filled with clinical pearls and guidance, you’ll walk away feeling confident about interpreting DUTCH Complete testing to design better diet and lifestyle plans for your clients.


Unlocking the Secrets of The Menstrual Cycle: How Fertility Awareness Cycle Tracking Can Help Your Nutrition Practice

Whether you’re working with fertility clients or working with women who are simply seeking to attain optimal health, the menstrual cycle is an important vital sign. In this 90-minute webinar led by Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, FAE, HRHP, and author of The Fifth Vital Sign, you’ll learn what factors constitute a normal menstrual cycle, the main fertile signs, the role of nutrition in cycle health, and many examples of health-related information we can glean from fertility awareness cycle charting.


Deep Dive Discussion Call Part 2: Your Most Challenging Counseling Questions Answered

Do you struggle with how to best counsel clients on challenging topics or navigate sticky situations? We’ve been there too. In fact, these situations arise often when working in private practice.

In part 2 of our “Deep Dive Discussion” series on counseling challenges, we’ll be tackling some common questions/scenarios.


The Endocannabinoid System, Cannabis & Cannabinoids: Impact on Women’s Health

Common health issues such as anxiety and insomnia plus health diagnoses including PMS, endometriosis, infertility, migraine, menopause, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s can be impacted by the body’s ECS and cannabis. This presentation will help practitioners better understand the potential use of cannabis in clinical practice, the endocannabinoid system, and how this applies to women’s health.


Deep Dive Discussion: Your Most Challenging Counseling Questions Answered

This discussion call with Lily Nichols, RD, CDE and Ayla Barmmer, MS, RD, LDN is free of charge thanks to our sponsor, Simple Mills. We cover how to best counsel clients on sensitive topics, including:
– How do I best counsel a vegan/vegetarian client on prenatal nutrition?
– What do I do with clients struggling with body image and weight before and during pregnancy?
– How do I set realistic expectations for the timeline and results with my infertility clients?


Nutrition for Breastfeeding

Many health professionals and public health campaigns cite that “breast milk is the perfect food” for infants. Yet, even with all of its well-documented benefits, a growing body of research indicates that the nutritional content of breast milk is not fixed, but rather is impacted by a mother’s diet and nutrient stores. This webinar will take a closer look at the research on the nutritional variation in breast milk, nutrients that are affected by maternal intake, and strategies to boost the nutritional value to ensure breastfed infants receive adequate intake.


Postpartum Recovery & Nutrient Repletion

The miracle of growing and birthing a human being is arguably the most “nutritionally expensive” task in a woman’s lifetime. With so much attention placed on prenatal nutrition, there’s surprisingly little discussion of postpartum nutrient needs. This webinar will explore the rationale for postpartum nutrient repletion and tie together what we know from both modern research and the postpartum practices of traditional cultures.


Detoxification and its Role in Women’s Health

In this 90-minute webinar led by Ayla Barmmer, MS, RD, LDN, you’ll explore detoxification with a special emphasis on how it relates to women’s health. Learn the ways in which our body handles toxins, factors that contribute to toxic burden, and how to support our body’s natural detoxification system through diet and lifestyle.


Nutritional Management of Gestational Diabetes: A Lower Carb, Real Food Approach

This webinar will guide clinicians through Lily Nichols' real food approach to managing gestational diabetes with insight and clinical pearls not found anywhere else. You'll learn where conventional guidelines for gestational diabetes nutrition can be improved so your clients can experience better blood sugar control, fewer complications, and have healthier infants overall.


Naturally Nourishing Fertility Series Part 2

Nutrition and lifestyle factors play a critical role for both women and men in the 4 months prior to conceiving. During this timeframe, as eggs and sperm develop and mature, they are especially vulnerable to inadequate nutrition, environmental exposures and lifestyle factors. Not only does this reduce the chances of conceiving, it plays a role in the epigenetic programming that will affect the health of the baby and potentially future generations.


Basics of Real Food Prenatal Nutrition

Research is constantly evolving, especially in the field of prenatal nutrition, and yet, there’s a lag time between new evidence getting incorporated into public policy and nutrition guidelines. In other words, if you follow the scientific literature, there’s a lot of room for improvement in current prenatal guidelines.

If we want to give pregnant women the best chance of having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, we desperately need to get better, more up-to-date, and scientifically sound advice out there.


Naturally Nourishing Fertility Series Part 1

A potential client calls to make an appointment because she has been struggling to conceive and she wonders if her diet and lifestyle could be playing a role…

You know that diet and lifestyle influence reproductive function but can you help her? Where do you even start?


Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin D and Pregnancy

Vitamin D plays a vital role in a mother’s health and the development of her baby. This peculiar nutrient (technically a hormone, not a vitamin) warrants our attention during pregnancy, where research has shown it can have a profound influence on rates of pregnancy complications, preterm birth, and baby’s lifelong health (#epigenetics).


Improving Estrogen Balance

It has now been well established that many hormone-related health conditions (such as menstrual irregularities, endometriosis, and certain cancers) can be affected by excessive exposure to endogenous and exogenous sources of estrogen. What you may not know is that nutrition and lifestyle interventions can alter estrogen metabolism and ultimately reduce estrogen load in a number of ways, making them a powerful disease prevention tool.

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