Deep Dive Discussion Call Part 2: Your Most Challenging Counseling Questions Answered


Webinar Details

Do you struggle with how to best counsel clients on challenging topics or navigate sticky situations? We’ve been there too. In fact, these situations arise often when working in private practice.

In part 2 of our “Deep Dive Discussion” series on counseling challenges, we’ll be tackling the following common questions/scenarios:

  • How do you guide clients who say they “just want a meal plan”?
  • What do you do when your client is working with one (or more) other providers that are giving conflicting information or who disagree with your approach?
  • What do you for the client who comes to you with menstrual cycle issues and has no lab data (functional or conventional)?

Instead of dreading these situations, learn some proven strategies to confidently address these issues directly so you can help your clients achieve the best outcomes.

In this 1-hour deep-dive discussion, Lily and Ayla will tackle these questions and counseling scenarios. Leave with tangible, practical tools to make your counseling easier and more effective.

Thank you to our sponsor, Simple Mills, for making this Deep Dive Discussion available to participants at no cost.


Length: 60 minutes

Cost: FREE



Lily Nichols

Lily Nichols is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, researcher, and author with a passion for evidence-based prenatal nutrition. Drawing from the current scientific literature and the wisdom of traditional cultures, her work is known for being research-focused, thorough, and sensible.

She is the author of two bestselling books, Real Food for Pregnancy and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes.

Her work has not only helped tens of thousands of women manage their gestational diabetes (most without the need for blood sugar-lowering medication), but has also influenced nutrition policies internationally. Lily’s clinical expertise and extensive background in prenatal nutrition have made her a highly sought after consultant and speaker in the field.

Professional Disclosure: Lily Nichols is the author of two books, for which she receives royalties: Real Food for Pregnancy & Real Food for Gestational Diabetes.

Ayla Barmmer

Ayla Barmmer is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, and the owner and operator of Boston Functional Nutrition, an integrative and functional nutrition practice. Ayla’s primary specialty is women’s health with a special emphasis on hormone balance, infertility, and digestive wellness.

Ayla obtained her undergraduate degree in dietetics and completed her dietetic internship at the University of Connecticut, and earned a Master of Science in Health Communications from Boston University. She has received additional training through Aviva Romm, MD, Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy (IFNA), Deanna Minich, Ph.D., and more.

Ayla is also a highly sought-after speaker, educator and mentor on topics such as nutrition for fertility, pregnancy, immune health, and gastrointestinal issues. Her expertise has been recognized by Boston Magazine, Tufts Medical Center, Shape, Women’s Health Magazine, and EatingWell. She is also the co-host of Real Food Radio, a podcast about supporting your health naturally and living a life you love.

Professional Disclosure: Ayla Barmmer is the owner/creator of FullWell, a multivitamin prenatal supplement on which she makes a profit from its sales.